As we begin the new month (can you believe we are already in March?), I’ve been wondering what the start of the new year has been like for you. I love the start of a new week, month or year as it is a clean slate and an opportunity to re-align one’s goals and start again, if necessary. I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions but I do think that setting intentions and having clear goals in mind can be powerful as it adds purpose and direction to an individual’s path. In general I would say that I have good follow through on the plans that I make but I will admit that the unpredictable (illness, work and family responsibilities, life admin) can often demotivate me; they take up time and can make me feel as though I am not focused or in control when I need to delay what I’d set out to do. Do you sometimes feel this way? And does it have the potential to derail you? 

I’ve been doing some work with young people around motivation as I’d like them to become more aware of what push and pull forces are at play in their lives. There’s nothing like a lit fire of ambition but we should be wise and prepare ourselves for setbacks, as they are part of the journey. Another thing to be conscious of is where the motivation comes from: are you intrinsically motivated, driven by interest and enjoyment, or are your motivators based on extrinsic factors such as rewards, praise, responsibility or the avoidance of consequences? While intrinsic motivation has longevity, there’s nothing wrong with either of these if they help you to reach your goal. Extrinsic motivators often offer tangible results and can play an important role in helping people to achieve success. When we become aware of the driving force behind our decisions we create a true awareness that will hopefully help us to take necessary actions to live out our dreams. In light of all this, i Decided to share a few reminders to help encourage you to persevere. 

1. Procrastination is normal 

Often seen as a negative, procrastination is a normal response to situations. Sometimes we delay starting because we are overwhelmed or fearful of failure and at other times we may not have the energy or brain power to begin. It is good to acknowledge these things, particularly if procrastination is not your normal response and to work with someone and strategise if you feel that it happens often enough to hinder your progress. What we are not told is that procrastination can help you to mull over a task or problem, creating a space where creativity and innovation can begin to come into play. Be sure to write down your various courses of action when they present themselves and try to determine an actual start date to overcome the possible setbacks of procrastination. Most importantly, try not to be too hard on yourself while working through this phase. 

2. Life happens 

If you’re anything like me, you would have mapped out your journey to achieving a goal at the start of the process but even if you are someone who formulates the next step along the way, it is important to leave room for the unexpected. Illness, distractions, unexpected curve balls are all part of the road to success. That being said, setbacks have the potential to halt our progress entirely and it is perhaps one of the biggest things we need to guard against. Instead of feeling the let down and allowing it to totally hinder your vision, make space to allow for it to run its course and to set a (future) return date for your intended journey. 

As an example, I’d decided to swim after work one afternoon a week as an added physical activity that I felt would help to take my mind off my responsibilities. I packed my swimming bag on the weekend and woke up with a cough that Monday morning, which worsened and then lingered for four weeks. Today I write this blog post having gone for my first swim nearly six weeks later; the goal was not cancelled, rather, it was delayed but I felt just as accomplished leaving the pool today as I may have felt many weeks ago. Which leads me to the next point…

3. It’s never too late to start (again) 

Delayed starts and restarts are far better than not starting at all. We get busy, tired and lose motivation at times. I believe that it takes courage and shows a great deal of character when we are able to recommit to something we have not been able to sustain. Recommitting shows resilience and I would encourage you to look at what the stumbling block has been and put things in place to try and overcome that obstacle and better your progress this time around. Set that alarm, put out those running shoes, skip the sweet aisle, don’t spend that money, write the blog post and do whatever it is that you need to so that you can begin to live out your dream. And avoid the voices (of others and the ones in your head) that say you are too old, too busy and too whatever to start the things that you know are going to fulfil your life. 

4. Keep making the time

Consistency is key. Keep setting aside time and adding the tasks that you need to complete to your daily or weekly schedule to achieve your goal. We need to make the time for the things that are important to us and the things that will amount to our overall success and wellbeing. 

5. Prioritise resting 

Success and achievement often require a lot of hard work and sacrifices. Depending on your goal, it may take up a lot of your time as well. It is important to remember to fill our tanks with rest. You are better when you are rested and so it is important to remember to carve out time for your interests that relax you, to have time alone and to spend quality time with the people that energise you. Being content is part of rest so prioritise whatever will provide it to help you feel rejuvenated and ready to take on tasks with a healthy body and fresh mind. 

6. Remember why you started 

When all else fails, remember why you started. Going back to the goal, its intentions and the possible outcomes can give you a new sense of purpose. Work with attainable steps and celebrate the little achievements along the way because you deserve the acknowledgement for your efforts. 

If you have reached the end of this post, thank you for your readership. I hope that some of these ideas have helped you to affirm or recommit to the aspirations you set out for yourself in 2023. May you continue to move with purpose and positivity through all circumstances and, if you have a moment, leave a comment and let me know what motivates you. 

Until my next post, 

Bronny xx


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