Welcome to The Bronny Blog

Yes, I’ve updated my name. I had been thinking about it for a while and will share the reasons for leaving Simply B.O.E behind.

1. The name was problematic.
I would meet people and they would introduce me as Bronwyn from Simply ‘bo’ or Simply ‘boo’. I would cringe at the pronunciation of B.O.E because it took away from the fact that it not only had a ring to it but that it missed the fact that B.O.E stood for Bronwyn Oliver-Eksteen. yes, I understand that it is difficult to just know that, hence the need for a change.

2. A closely-named brand.
there is a body care brand named Simply Be and that would be the name that would pop up in the suggested box when typing the previous name into google. I think it goes without saying that you would like your name to be the suggested search, right?

3. Bronny is a childhood nickname.
In fact, I have many people in my life who call me that today, which makes being introduced as Bronny feel natural.

4. It is the best time to change.
I had 300 followers on Instagram when I started blogging. If, at any stage, my page were to grow exponentially then changing the name while my audience is relatively niche would be the ideal time. with 2000+ instagram followers and the potential to grow a subscription on both this blog and youtube, it just feels like the right time to change.

So, yes, the name is still growing on me, too, but I feel that it is cute and that it has a lovely ring to it. The name change re-affirms my intention to grow my blog space and it made me feel okay with the money I’ve spent on updating the blog’s appearance. I am incredibly excited to keep sharing my hair and personal growth journeys with you and I hope that you will enjoy The Bronny Blog more with each post.

That being said, you can now subscribe to get email notifications of new posts (how exciting!) so be sure to subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the subscription box and to head over to your email account to confirm the subscription.

That’s it for now!

With smiles,
Bronny xx

So, yes, the name is still growing on me, too, but I feel that it is cute and that it has a lovely ring to it. The name change re-affirms my intention to grow my blog space... I am incredibly excited to keep sharing my hair and personal growth journeys with you. 



  1. January 21, 2019 / 7:59 am

    I love the look and feel of your new space.
    Wishing you all the best in the blogosphere!

    • bronwyn
      January 26, 2019 / 7:00 am

      Many hugs!

  2. Bronwyn Janse
    January 21, 2019 / 8:33 am

    Hello name buddy! 🙂

    Looks amazing!

    • bronwyn
      January 26, 2019 / 6:59 am

      Thank you so much Bron!
      I had to learn at some point 😊
      All of it was possible because you pushed me right at the start.

  3. Kirsty-Sue Adonis
    January 21, 2019 / 8:37 am

    Love the name change. Your reasons make perfect sense. By the way , love the layout of your blog, it got a clean and elegant feel.

  4. Claudine
    January 21, 2019 / 8:39 am

    I love love it, see always so genuine ❤️ congratulations.

  5. Amy
    January 21, 2019 / 10:44 am

    Congratulations babe!
    I had no idea the B.O.E were your initials.
    But I love the new name!
    And every success!

    • bronwyn
      January 26, 2019 / 7:01 am

      Thank you babe! Most poeple didn’t- so this name really works better 😊

  6. January 21, 2019 / 1:28 pm

    Hi beauty. Luv the name change. Congratulations on your new blog. Wishing u lots of growth.

    • bronwyn
      January 26, 2019 / 7:01 am

      I appreciate it! Thank you

  7. Vanda
    January 21, 2019 / 7:54 pm

    Looking forward to regular blog posts. Well done.

    • bronwyn
      January 26, 2019 / 7:01 am

      Thank you for always supporting me

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